Abruzzo dialect sayings

Here are some Abruzzo dialect sayings:

1. "Chi nun tene 'o core, nun tene 'o culo." (Translation: "He who doesn't have a heart, doesn't have a butt.") - This saying is used to emphasize the importance of having courage and determination.

2. "A la mala i' s'arregga." (Translation: "In the end, everything will be fixed.") - This saying conveys the idea that problems will eventually be resolved or overcome.

3. "Chi dorme non piglia pesci." (Translation: "He who sleeps doesn't catch fish.") - This saying emphasizes the importance of being proactive and taking action to achieve success.

4. "Quanno 'o gatto nun c'è, i' topi ballano." (Translation: "When the cat's away, the mice will play.") - This saying is used to describe a situation where people misbehave or take advantage of a lack of supervision.

5. "Ammazza che scignale!" (Translation: "Wow, what a mess!") - This expression is used to express surprise or disbelief at a chaotic or disorganized situation.

These are just a few examples of Abruzzo dialect sayings that reflect the culture and mentality of the region.

Above is Abruzzo dialect sayings.

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