Anti drug funny sayings

1. "Drugs are a waste of time. You could be doing so many better things, like sleeping or eating."

2. "Say no to drugs, but if they insist, tell them you're allergic."

3. "I tried drugs once, but the bag was too hard to open."

4. "Drugs are like a bad relationship - they'll mess you up and leave you broke."

5. "I don't need drugs to have a good time. I'm already naturally high on life."

6. "Drugs are so overrated. Have you ever tried a good book instead?"

7. "Drugs are like a bad haircut - they might seem cool at first, but you'll regret it later."

8. "Say no to drugs, but if you're talking about chocolate, then count me in."

9. "Drugs are like a bad investment - you'll lose everything and gain nothing."

10. "I don't do drugs, I'm already addicted to sarcasm."

Above is Anti drug funny sayings.

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Sayings exception to rules

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