Australian christmas funny sayings

1. "It's so hot on Christmas Day, even the reindeer are sweating!"

2. "Who needs snow when you have a beach for Christmas?"

3. "Instead of roasting chestnuts on an open fire, we're throwing shrimp on the barbie!"

4. "Santa's sleigh must have air conditioning to survive Down Under."

5. "Forget about a white Christmas, we're dreaming of a sandy one!"

6. "The only white Christmas we get is from sunscreen."

7. "Santa's outfit must be made of lightweight material to cope with our summer heat."

8. "Christmas in Australia: where the only frost you'll see is on your beer mug."

9. "We may not have snowmen, but we make a mean sandcastle Santa!"

10. "Who needs mistletoe when you have eucalyptus trees?"

Above is Australian christmas funny sayings.

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Sayings about smartness

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