Autism sayings free

Here are some autism-related sayings that you may find inspiring or thought-provoking:

1. "Different, not less."

2. "Autism is not a tragedy, ignorance is."

3. "Autism is not a choice, acceptance is."

4. "Embrace neurodiversity."

5. "See the ability, not the disability."

6. "Autism is a journey, not a destination."

7. "In a world where you can be anything, be kind."

8. "Autism is just one piece of the puzzle."

9. "Love doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be true."

10. "Autism is not a label, it's a way of life."

Feel free to use these sayings as you wish, and remember that promoting understanding and acceptance of autism is important for creating a more inclusive society.

Above is Autism sayings free.

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