Avocados sayings

1. "Avo great day!"

2. "You're the guac to my avocado."

3. "Life is better with avocados."

4. "Don't worry, guac be happy."

5. "You're as smooth as avocado."

6. "Avocados are the key to my heart."

7. "Let's avo-cuddle."

8. "In a world full of apples, be an avocado."

9. "Avocado toast is always a good idea."

10. "Avocados: the real MVP of the produce aisle."

Above is Avocados sayings.

Hurting love quotes and sayings

1. Love is like a rose: beautiful, but with thorns that can cut deep. 2. Sometimes the person you love the most, is the one who hurts you the most. 3. The pain of love is the sweetest pain of all. 4. Love can be a battlefield, and sometimes the casualties are our hearts. 5. It hurts to love

Gay tee shirt sayings

1. Love is love2. Proud and fabulous3. Rainbow warrior4. Queer and here5. LGBTQ+ and thriving6. Love wins7. Be yourself, everyone else is taken8. Love knows no gender9. Equality for all10. Love is a human right

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17th birthday cake sayings

1. Sweet 17 and never been so keen!2. A year older, a year bolder, happy 17th birthday!3. Cheers to 17 years of fabulousness!4. Seventeen and loving every moment!5. Here's to another year of laughter and love, happy 17th!6. Growing up, but never growing old - happy 17th!7. Seventeen can

People who get sayings wrong

People who get sayings wrong are often referred to as malapropists. They unintentionally substitute a word with a similar-sounding word that has a different meaning, leading to humorous or confusing results. This can happen due to a misunderstanding of the original saying or simply a slip of the t

Details sayings

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Funny sayings about old ladies

1. Old age is like a fine wine, it gets better with time...and a little more wrinkly.2. Old ladies are like vintage cars, they may be a little rusty but they've got a lot of mileage.3. You know you're getting old when your candles cost more than your cake.4. Old ladies are like fine cheese, t

Fathers day beer sayings

1. Dad, you're the brewmaster of our family.2. Cheers to the best dad in town!3. Dad, you're the reason I have good taste in beer.4. Thanks for always raising the bar, Dad.5. To the man who taught me to appreciate a good brew.6. Dad, you're the hops to my barley.7. A father is someone y

Inspirational sayings of hope

1. Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all. - Emily Dickinson2. Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. - Desmond Tutu3. Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. - Suzanne Collins4