Beijing sayings

1. "不到长城非好汉" (bù dào cháng chéng fēi hǎo hàn) - "He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man."

2. "一日不见,如隔三秋" (yī rì bù jiàn, rú gé sān qiū) - "A day apart feels like three autumns."

3. "吃在北京,穿在上海" (chī zài běi jīng, chuān zài shàng hǎi) - "Eat in Beijing, dress in Shanghai" (referring to the food culture of Beijing and the fashion culture of Shanghai).

4. "东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴" (dōng biān rì chū xī biān yǔ, dào shì wú qíng què yǒu qíng) - "Sunrise in the east, rain in the west, there may be no clear skies but there are clear skies."

5. "京城风光,胜似神仙" (jīng chéng fēng guāng, shèng sì shén xiān) - "The scenery of the capital is better than that of the immortals."

Above is Beijing sayings.

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