Bitter truth sayings

1. "The truth may be bitter, but it is always better than a sweet lie."

2. "Sometimes the bitter truth is better than a sweet lie."

3. "The truth hurts, but lies are worse."

4. "Facing the bitter truth is the first step towards growth and healing."

5. "The truth may be bitter, but it is the only thing that can set you free."

6. "The bitter truth is often the hardest pill to swallow, but it is necessary for personal growth."

7. "Denying the bitter truth only prolongs the pain."

8. "The truth may be harsh, but it is always better than living in ignorance."

9. "Embrace the bitter truth, for it is the only path to true understanding."

10. "In the end, the bitter truth will always prevail over comforting lies."

Above is Bitter truth sayings.

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