Bulldozer funny sayings

1. "I'm not just a bulldozer, I'm a bulldozer with a sense of humor!"

2. "I push dirt around all day, but I never get tired of it. I guess you could say I'm a real 'groundbreaking' comedian."

3. "I may be big and tough, but I've got a soft spot for a good joke. Just don't tell me any 'dirt'y ones!"

4. "They say laughter is the best medicine, but I think bulldozers come in a close second."

5. "I may not be the most graceful machine out there, but I sure know how to 'move' a crowd with my jokes!"

6. "I'm like a bulldozer and a stand-up comedian rolled into one. Watch out, I might just 'flatten' you with my humor!"

7. "I may be a bulldozer, but I'm also a bulldozer with a 'punny' side. Get ready to be 'earth'ed with laughter!"

8. "They say laughter is contagious, so watch out - I might just 'spread' some humor your way with my bulldozer jokes!"

9. "I may be rough and tough on the outside, but on the inside, I'm just a big ol' softie with a knack for comedy."

10. "I may not have a funny bone, but I sure know how to 'crush' it with my bulldozer humor!"

Above is Bulldozer funny sayings.

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