Cebuano sayings about education

1. "Ang edukasyon dili mabawi sa imong kahibalo." (Education cannot be taken away from your knowledge.)

2. "Ang kahibalo maoy labing dakong kayamanan." (Knowledge is the greatest wealth.)

3. "Ang pagtuon usa ka kalampusan, dili usa ka kapildihan." (Studying is a success, not a failure.)

4. "Ang kahibalo maoy hingpit nga kahilwasan." (Knowledge is the ultimate freedom.)

5. "Ang edukasyon maoy hingpit nga kahilwasan sa kagutom." (Education is the ultimate solution to hunger.)

6. "Ang kahibalo dili madala sa imong pagkaon." (Knowledge cannot be taken away from you.)

7. "Ang edukasyon usa ka pangandoy nga mahimo nga tinuod." (Education is a dream that can become a reality.)

8. "Ang kahibalo usa ka kalampusan nga walay katapusan." (Knowledge is a never-ending success.)

9. "Ang edukasyon usa ka kahigayonan nga dili dapat sayangan." (Education is an opportunity that should not be wasted.)

10. "Ang kahibalo usa ka kahayag sa kadlawon." (Knowledge is a light in the darkness.)

Above is Cebuano sayings about education.

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