Chinese sayings about success in chinese language
1. 成功在于不懈的努力。(Chénggōng zài yú bùxiè de nǔlì) - Success lies in unremitting efforts.
2. 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。(Yī cùn guāngyīn yī cùn jīn, cùn jīn nán mǎi cùn guāngyīn) - Time is money, but money cannot buy time.
3. 机不可失,时不再来。(Jī bù kě shī, shí bù zài lái) - Opportunity knocks but once.
4. 一分耕耘,一分收获。(Yī fēn gēngyún, yī fēn shōuhuò) - One minute of hard work, one minute of harvest.
5. 成功源于勤奋。(Chénggōng yuán yú qínfèn) - Success comes from diligence.
6. 有志者事竟成。(Yǒu zhì zhě shì jìng chéng) - Where there is a will, there is a way.
7. 不怕慢,就怕站。(Bù pà màn, jiù pà zhàn) - It's not about being slow, it's about standing still.
8. 一日之计在于晨。(Yī rì zhī jì zài yú chén) - The plan for the day is made in the morning.
9. 滴水穿石,不是力量大,而是功夫深。(Dī shuǐ chuān shí, bù shì lìliàng dà, ér shì gōngfū shēn) - Dripping water can penetrate a stone, not because of its strength, but because of its persistence.
10. 成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,就已经在成功的路上了。(Chénggōng bùshì jiānglái cái yǒu de, ér shì cóng juédìng qù zuò de nà yī kè qǐ, jiù yǐjīng zài chénggōng de lù shàng le) - Success is not something that will come in the future, but something that begins from the moment you decide to do it.
Above is Chinese sayings about success in chinese language.
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