Chrismas church sign sayings

1. "Jesus is the reason for the season."

2. "Wise men still seek Him."

3. "Let His light shine through you this Christmas."

4. "The greatest gift of all was born in a manger."

5. "Peace on earth, goodwill to all."

6. "Rejoice! Emmanuel has come."

7. "Hope, love, joy, peace - the true gifts of Christmas."

8. "Come and worship the newborn King."

9. "May your Christmas be filled with the presence of Christ."

10. "Let us celebrate the birth of our Savior with hearts full of gratitude."

Above is Chrismas church sign sayings.

Classroom sayings for grade 3

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Bad animal sayings

1. Sly as a snake, sneaky as a weasel.2. Hungry as a wolf, ruthless as a shark.3. Stubborn as a mule, cunning as a fox.4. Quiet as a mouse, vicious as a hyena.5. Slippery as an eel, sly as a raccoon.6. Greedy as a pig, lazy as a sloth.7. Ugly as a toad, mean as a snake.8. Dirty as a r

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