Christmas card sayings funny for niece

1. "You're on the 'nice' list... for now! Merry Christmas, niece!"

2. "I hope Santa brings you everything you want, but if not, there's always next year! Merry Christmas, niece!"

3. "You're the best gift I never had to return! Merry Christmas, niece!"

4. "I tried to be good this year, but it's hard with a niece as awesome as you! Merry Christmas!"

5. "May your Christmas be as bright and joyful as your smile, niece! Just kidding, I know you're a teenager. Merry Christmas!"

6. "I hope your Christmas is filled with laughter, love, and lots of presents... especially the ones I got you! Merry Christmas, niece!"

7. "You're the reason I believe in Christmas miracles... like surviving another year with you as my niece! Merry Christmas!"

8. "Wishing you a Christmas as fabulous as you are, niece! And that's saying a lot coming from me! Merry Christmas!"

Above is Christmas card sayings funny for niece.

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