Church bulletin funnies sayings

1. "I'm not sure if God has a sense of humor, but I sure hope so!"

2. "Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect - like Sunday service!"

3. "If you think your life is boring, try reading the Bible for some plot twists!"

4. "Why did the pastor bring a ladder to church? To reach new heights in his sermon!"

5. "I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness!"

6. "Why do we never play hide and seek with God? Because good luck hiding from an all-seeing, all-knowing deity!"

7. "If you're feeling lost, remember that even Moses took a while to find the Promised Land - just keep following the GPS (God's Positioning System)!"

8. "Why did the choir director go to jail? Because he got caught for singing in a stolen key!"

9. "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, it's already tomorrow in Australia - and they're doing just fine!"

10. "Remember, even Jesus had a sense of humor - just look at some of his parables! So don't be afraid to laugh and enjoy life, it's a gift from above."

Above is Church bulletin funnies sayings.

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