Clever wedding sayings

1. "Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness." - Oliver Wendell Holmes

2. "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." - Mignon McLaughlin

3. "Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one." - John Keats

4. "Marriage is a mosaic you build with your spouse. Millions of tiny moments that create your love story." - Jennifer Smith

5. "Love is not about how many days, months, or years you have been together. Love is about how much you love each other every single day." - Unknown

6. "A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short." - Andre Maurois

7. "Love is the greatest adventure, and the wedding is just the beginning." - Unknown

8. "A successful marriage is not the result of finding the right person, but of being the right person." - Unknown

9. "Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be." - Robert Browning

10. "Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable." - Bruce Lee

Above is Clever wedding sayings.

Common sayings nothing is certain but death and taxes

This saying is often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, who famously wrote in a letter in 1789, In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. The saying highlights the inevitability of death and the obligation to pay taxes as two unavoidable aspects of life.

Funny camper sayings

1. I'm outdoorsy in that I like drinking on patios.2. Camping: where you spend a small fortune to live like a homeless person.3. I'm not lost, I'm exploring alternative routes.4. I'm in-tents about camping.5. My favorite outdoor activity is going back inside.6. I'm a happy camper as long

Funny and cute animal sayings

1. I'm not fat, I'm just a little husky.2. I'm so pawsitively adorable.3. I'm not lion, I'm really cute.4. I'm otterly charming.5. I'm not kitten around, I'm the cutest.6. I'm a panda-monium of cuteness.7. I'm not just a pretty face, I'm a cute bunny too.8. I'm not barking up the wron

Funniest baseball sayings

1. Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical. - Yogi Berra2. It ain't over 'til it's over. - Yogi Berra3. I'd walk through hell in a gasoline suit to play baseball. - Pete Rose4. Baseball is like church. Many attend, few understand. - Leo Durocher5. The only way to catch a knuck

Funny stereotypical british sayings

1. It's raining cats and dogs!2. Bob's your uncle!3. Mind the gap!4. I'm off to the loo!5. I'm feeling a bit knackered.6. Fancy a cuppa?7. It's all gone pear-shaped.8. I'm chuffed to bits!9. He's a right cheeky chappy.10. I'm absolutely gobsmacked!

Funny sayings on age

1. Age is just a number, but in my case, it's a really big number.2. I'm not old, I'm just well-seasoned.3. I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up.4. I'm not over the hill, I'm just on top of it.5. Age is like fine wine, it gets better with time... or so they say.6. I'm not old,

Funny sayings about daylight savings time

1. Daylight savings time: the only time of year when it's acceptable to be an hour early or an hour late, depending on how you look at it.2. Daylight savings time: the annual reminder that our clocks are smarter than we are.3. Daylight savings time: because who doesn't love losing an hour of sl

Candy sayings related to reading

1. Reading is my sweet escape.2. Books are my favorite treat.3. Reading is like candy for the mind.4. Indulge in a good book.5. Books are the sweetest delight.6. Feed your mind with good reads.7. Reading is a treat for the soul.8. Books are the ultimate sugar rush.9. Satisfy your cr

Cute pin sayings for display

1. Stay pawsitive!2. You're one in a melon!3. Bee happy!4. You're the pineapple of my eye.5. You're the cat's meow.6. Donut worry, be happy.7. You're a gem!8. You're un-bee-lievable!9. You're a llama-zing!10. You're the cherry on top.

Death sayings in spanish

1. La muerte es solo una ilusión, la vida es eterna.2. La muerte no es el final, es solo el comienzo de una nueva etapa.3. La muerte llega sin avisar, pero la vida sigue su curso.4. La muerte es inevitable, pero vivir con miedo a ella es inútil.5. La muerte nos recuerda la fragilidad de la