Colouring sayings

1. "Life is a canvas, make sure to paint it with all the colors of the rainbow."

2. "Happiness is a choice, so why not choose to color your world with joy?"

3. "In a world full of black and white, be the one who adds a splash of color."

4. "The beauty of life lies in its vibrant hues, so don't be afraid to embrace them."

5. "Just like a coloring book, life is more fun when you add your own unique shades."

6. "Sometimes all it takes is a little splash of color to brighten up a dull day."

7. "Let your true colors shine through, for that is where your true beauty lies."

8. "Life is like a box of crayons, it's up to you to choose how you want to color it."

9. "Don't be afraid to color outside the lines, for that's where true creativity thrives."

10. "The world is a canvas, and you are the artist - so paint it with love, kindness, and positivity."

Above is Colouring sayings.

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