Come and go sayings

1. "Here today, gone tomorrow."

2. "In one ear and out the other."

3. "Come and go like the wind."

4. "Now you see me, now you don't."

5. "Here one minute, gone the next."

6. "Like a revolving door."

7. "Fleeting like a passing cloud."

8. "In and out like a tide."

9. "Here for a good time, not a long time."

10. "Transient as a shooting star."

Above is Come and go sayings.

Blessed morning sayings

1. Good morning! May your day be filled with blessings and positivity.2. Rise and shine! Today is a new day, full of endless possibilities.3. Wishing you a morning filled with peace, love, and joy.4. May the sun shine brightly on your path today, filling your heart with warmth and happiness.

Collected sayings clue

One possible answer to the clue collected sayings could be proverbs. Proverbs are short, popular sayings that convey a general truth or piece of advice. They are often collected and passed down through generations as a form of wisdom or guidance.

I invented inventing things sayings

That's a clever play on words! It's always fun to come up with new sayings and expressions. Keep up the creativity!

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