Covid 2020 christmas card sayings

1. "Wishing you a safe and merry Christmas during these challenging times."

2. "May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace and joy, even in the midst of a pandemic."

3. "Sending warm wishes for a healthy and happy holiday season."

4. "Though we may be apart this Christmas, our love and thoughts are with you."

5. "In a year like no other, may the magic of Christmas bring you hope and comfort."

6. "Here's to a Christmas filled with love, laughter, and good health."

7. "Even in the midst of uncertainty, may your Christmas be filled with moments of joy and gratitude."

8. "Wishing you a Christmas season that is merry and bright, no matter the circumstances."

9. "May the light of Christmas shine brightly in your heart, bringing you peace and happiness."

10. "Sending you warm hugs and holiday cheer from afar. Merry Christmas!"

Above is Covid 2020 christmas card sayings.

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