Communist nail sayings
1. "Workers of the world, unite and hammer out injustice!"
2. "The nail that sticks out will be hammered down by the proletariat."
3. "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need for a sturdy nail."
4. "The revolution is a nail, driving out the oppression of the bourgeoisie."
5. "In the hands of the working class, even a humble nail can build a better future."
6. "Let us forge solidarity like a strong nail, binding us together in the struggle for equality."
7. "The nail of communism holds together the planks of social justice."
8. "A single nail can support the weight of a revolution, when driven in by the collective power of the people."
9. "The nail of socialism secures the foundation of a fair and equitable society."
10. "Just as a nail holds together a structure, so too does communism bind together the people in a common cause."
Above is Communist nail sayings.
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