Cornwall sayings and quotes

1. "A Cornishman will never be a liar, but he may be a little loose with the truth."

2. "As sure as God's in Cornwall."

3. "Cornish born and bred, strong in the arm and thick in the head."

4. "When the wind is in the east, 'tis neither good for man nor beast."

5. "From Delabole to the Lizard, there's nought amiss."

6. "The Cornish are always up to something, whether it's fishing, farming, or just having a good time."

7. "If you want to know the time, ask a Cornishman; if you want to know the truth, ask a Cornishwoman."

8. "A Cornishman's heart is as deep as a mine shaft and as wide as the sea."

9. "Cornwall: where the past meets the present and the sea meets the land."

10. "In Cornwall, the only thing stronger than the waves is the sense of community."

Above is Cornwall sayings and quotes.

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