Craving dog ends up losing the bone sayings

One common saying that relates to this situation is "The dog that craves the bone loses it." This proverb is often used to caution against being too eager or greedy, as it can lead to losing what you desire. It serves as a reminder to approach things with patience and moderation, rather than acting impulsively.

Above is Craving dog ends up losing the bone sayings.

Deer valentine sayings

1. You're deer to my heart.2. I'm fawning over you, Valentine.3. You're the buck to my doe.4. My love for you is stag-gering.5. You're my favorite deer-est Valentine.6. I'm so fawned of you.7. You're the deer-est Valentine in the herd.8. You make my heart leap like a deer.9. You're

Best tip jar sayings for bartenders

1. Tips appreciated, sarcasm tolerated.2. Help me pay off my student loans, one tip at a time.3. Tip me if you want to see me smile, tip me more if you want to see me dance.4. I'm not just mixing drinks, I'm mixing magic. Tips make the magic happen.5. Tip like a boss, drink like a champion.

Propaganda sayings

1. Believe in the cause, support the fight.2. Together we are stronger, united we will prevail.3. Join the movement, be a part of history.4. Our enemies fear our unity, stand firm in our resolve.5. Spread the message, ignite the passion.6. Defend our values, protect our future.7. Throug

Hermann hesse sayings

Here are some quotes by Hermann Hesse:1. Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.2. Words do not express thoughts very well. They always become a little different immediately after they are expressed, a little distorted, a little foolish.3. I have been and st

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Celtic birthday sayings

1. May the road rise up to meet you on your birthday.2. May the sun shine warm upon your face on your special day.3. Wishing you a birthday filled with laughter, love, and blessings.4. May your birthday be as bright as the morning sun and as peaceful as a Celtic forest.5. On your birthday,

Christmas sayings for light box

1. Merry and Bright2. Let it Snow3. Joy to the World4. Ho Ho Ho5. Tis the Season6. Believe in the Magic of Christmas7. Jingle All the Way8. Peace on Earth9. Fa La La La La10. Warm Wishes

Seller quotes and sayings

1. The customer is not always right, but they are always the customer. 2. Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman, not the attitude of the prospect. - W. Clement Stone3. Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust. - Zig Ziglar4. The be

Memorial sayings for dogs

1. Forever in our hearts, always by our side.2. Gone but never forgotten, you will always be missed.3. In loving memory of our loyal companion.4. You brought so much joy and love into our lives, we will cherish the memories forever.5. Run free over the rainbow bridge, until we meet again.6

Funny car wash signs sayings

1. We'll make your car so clean, you'll swear it's a new car smell factory!2. We don't just wash cars, we give them a spa day!3. Our car wash: where dirt goes to die.4. We'll make your car shine brighter than your future.5. Warning: Our car wash may cause sudden bursts of happiness.6. We'