Croatian patriotic sayings
1. "Za dom spremni!" (Ready for the homeland!)
2. "Sloboda ili smrt!" (Freedom or death!)
3. "Hrvatska do pobjede!" (Croatia to victory!)
4. "Jedan je domovina, jedan je jezik, jedan je narod!" (One homeland, one language, one people!)
5. "S ponosom nosim svoj grb!" (I proudly wear my coat of arms!)
6. "Ljubav prema domovini nikada ne jenjava!" (Love for the homeland never fades!)
7. "Hrvatska - moja ljubav, moja snaga!" (Croatia - my love, my strength!)
8. "Za Hrvatsku, uvijek i zauvijek!" (For Croatia, always and forever!)
9. "Ponosni na svoju prošlost, hrabri za budućnost!" (Proud of our past, brave for the future!)
10. "Hrvatska - zemlja hrabrih i ponosnih!" (Croatia - land of the brave and proud!)
Above is Croatian patriotic sayings.
1. Happy birthday to our amazing son! We are so proud of the man you have become and all that you have accomplished.2. On your birthday, we want you to know how proud we are of you and all that you have achieved. Keep reaching for the stars!3. To our wonderful son on his birthday: Your accompli
1. Tie the knot - Referring to getting married or making a commitment.2. Tie one on - Slang for getting drunk or intoxicated.3. Tie the room together - Referring to something that completes or enhances a space.4. Tie up loose ends - Referring to completing unfinished tasks or resolving issue
1. A penny for your thoughts - This idiom is used to ask someone what they are thinking about or to prompt them to share their thoughts or opinions.2. Actions speak louder than words - This saying emphasizes that what a person does is more important than what they say.3. Don't count your chicke
1. Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about. - Marilyn Monroe2. A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear. ![Cute Smile](
1. Stop mithering me, love.2. Put wood in th'ole.3. Don't be daft.4. I'm nesh, put the heating on.5. I'm off to Tesco, do you want owt?6. It's chucking it down out there.7. I'm going for a brew, fancy one?8. Mind your Ps and Qs.9. I'm going to have a gander at that.10. I'm chuffed
Dolemite is a 1975 blaxploitation film starring Rudy Ray Moore as the titular character. Some memorable sayings from the movie include:1. Dolemite is my name, and f***ing up motherf***ers is my game!2. You no-business, born-insecure, jock-jawed motherf***er!3. I'm gonna let 'em know that Dole
1. Hella - Used to emphasize something, like That party was hella fun.2. The City - Refers to San Francisco.3. Fog City - Another nickname for San Francisco due to its foggy weather.4. BART - Acronym for Bay Area Rapid Transit, the public transportation system in the Bay Area.5. Hyphy -
1. Keep calm and carry on.2. Bob's your uncle.3. It's not my cup of tea.4. Mind the gap.5. Cheerio!6. Blimey!7. Chin up.8. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.9. Budge up.10. It's raining cats and dogs.
1. The early bird catches the worm. - English proverb2. Fall seven times, stand up eight. - Japanese proverb3. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Chinese proverb4. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. - Latin proverb5. No pain, no gain. - American say
1. I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by your presence.2. I'm not slurring my words, I'm speaking in cursive.3. I'm not drunk, I'm just practicing my dance moves.4. I'm not drunk, I'm just embracing my inner pirate.5. I'm not drunk, I'm just on a liquid diet.6. I'm not drunk, I'm just ex