Cuban sayings about love

1. "El amor es como la luna, si no crece, disminuye." (Love is like the moon, if it doesn't grow, it diminishes.)

2. "El amor todo lo puede, todo lo soporta." (Love can do everything, endure everything.)

3. "El amor es ciego, pero los vecinos no." (Love is blind, but the neighbors are not.)

4. "En el amor, la palabra más pequeña es la que más pesa: 'te quiero'." (In love, the smallest word carries the most weight: 'I love you'.)

5. "El amor no tiene edad, ni limites, ni muerte." (Love has no age, no limits, and no death.)

6. "El amor es como la música, hay que sentirlo para entenderlo." (Love is like music, you have to feel it to understand it.)

7. "El amor es un jardín que hay que regar todos los días." (Love is a garden that needs to be watered every day.)

8. "El amor verdadero no tiene final feliz, porque simplemente no tiene final." (True love doesn't have a happy ending, because it simply doesn't have an ending.)

9. "El amor es un fuego que arde sin ver." (Love is a fire that burns without being seen.)

10. "El amor es la única fuerza capaz de transformar un enemigo en amigo." (Love is the only force capable of turning an enemy into a friend.)

Above is Cuban sayings about love.

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