Cupid sayings love

1. "Love is the greatest adventure, and I'm here to guide you on your journey."

2. "Let love be your compass, leading you to the heart of your beloved."

3. "With every arrow I shoot, I aim to ignite the flames of passion in your heart."

4. "Love is a dance, and I am the orchestrator of your perfect rhythm."

5. "May my arrows of love pierce your soul and fill it with the sweetest affection."

6. "In the game of love, I am your wingman, ready to help you find your perfect match."

7. "Let my love arrows be the bridge that connects your heart to your soulmate."

8. "Love is my language, and I speak it fluently to bring you closer to your true love."

9. "With every shot I take, I aim to bring you closer to the one who holds the key to your heart."

10. "Let my love arrows be the spark that ignites the fire of passion in your heart."

Above is Cupid sayings love.

Dari sayings

Jangan menunda-nunda apa yang bisa kamu lakukan hari ini sampai besok. (Don't postpone what you can do today until tomorrow.)

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