Cute sayings for a girl baby shower

1. "Sugar, spice, and everything nice - that's what little girls are made of!"

2. "A little princess is on the way, let's shower her with love today!"

3. "Twinkle, twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are?"

4. "She's a little bit of sunshine, a little bit of rain, and a whole lot of love in one tiny frame."

5. "Tiny hands and tiny feet, a baby girl is oh so sweet!"

6. "Pink bows and sparkly things, a baby girl is like a dream."

7. "A little girl is a bundle of firsts that excite and delight, giggles that come from deep inside and are always contagious, everything wonderful and precious and your love for her knows no bounds."

8. "A baby girl is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous."

9. "A baby girl is a joy that never ends."

10. "A baby girl is a blessing, a gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and to love."

Above is Cute sayings for a girl baby shower.

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