Norway famous sayings

1. "Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær." (There is no bad weather, only bad clothing.)

2. "Uten mat og drikke, duger helten ikke." (Without food and drink, the hero is useless.)

3. "Det er bedre å være føre var enn etter snar." (It is better to be cautious than regretful.)

4. "Den som venter på noe godt, venter ikke forgjeves." (He who waits for something good does not wait in vain.)

5. "Man skal ikke skue hunden på hårene." (One should not judge a book by its cover.)

6. "Det er ikke gull alt som glimrer." (All that glitters is not gold.)

7. "Når det regner på presten, drypper det på klokkeren." (When it rains on the priest, it drips on the clerk.)

8. "Man skal ikke kaste stein i glasshus." (People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.)

9. "Den som graver en grav for andre, faller ofte selv i den." (He who digs a grave for others often falls into it himself.)

10. "Ingen roser uten torner." (No roses without thorns.)

Above is Norway famous sayings.

Irish sayings for cheers

1. Sláinte! (pronounced slawn-cha) - meaning health or cheers2. Sliánte agus táinte (pronounced slawn-cha og-us tawn-cha) - meaning health and wealth3. Ár scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine (pronounced ar skaw a khay-luh a wair-in nah deen-eh) - meaning we live in each other's shadow

Glasgow slang sayings

1. Geein it laldy - giving it your all or going all out2. Pure dead brilliant - really great or excellent3. Belter - something that is really good or impressive4. Blether - to chat or gossip5. Dinnae fash yersel - don't worry or don't stress6. Yer aff yer heid - you're crazy or out of yo

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1. You are my safe harbor in the stormy seas of life.2. You are the anchor that keeps me grounded in a chaotic world.3. You are the steady force that keeps me balanced and secure.4. With you, I feel rooted and stable, like an anchor in the ocean.5. You are my constant, my rock, my anchor in

Valentines day sayings in spanish

1. Te amo más que ayer, pero menos que mañana. (I love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow.)2. Eres el amor de mi vida. (You are the love of my life.)3. Eres mi media naranja. (You are my better half.)4. Eres mi corazón. (You are my heart.)5. Eres mi todo. (You are my everythin

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1. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. - Proverbs 3:52. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:133. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope

Aww sayings

1. Love is a four-legged word.2. You are pawsitively purrfect.3. Life is better with a furry friend.4. My dog/cat is my heart walking outside my body.5. Home is where the dog/cat is.6. The road to my heart is paved with pawprints.7. Dogs/cats leave paw prints on our hearts.8. A house

Chicken sayings phrases

1. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.2. Running around like a headless chicken.3. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.4. Pecking order.5. Rule the roost.6. Like a chicken with its head cut off.7. Nest egg.8. Foul play.9. Don't be a chicken.10. Feathered friends.