Cute sayings in afrikaans

1. Liefde is soet, soos suiker

2. Liefde maak die wereld go rond

3. Liefde is soos 'n roos, mooi maar met doringe

4. Liefde is die sleutel tot geluk

5. Liefde is soos 'n warm kombers op 'n koue dag

6. Liefde is die taal wat almal verstaan

7. Liefde is soos 'n dans, jy moet net die ritme vind

8. Liefde is soos 'n vuur wat altyd brand

9. Liefde is die grootste skat van almal

10. Liefde is soos 'n sonsondergang, pragtig en onvergeetlik

Above is Cute sayings in afrikaans.

Anagrams of famous sayings

1. Listen twice before you speak once - Silent twice before you open up2. Actions speak louder than words - Words can hurt, actions can heal3. A penny saved is a penny earned - Earned is a penny saved, a penny4. Practice makes perfect - Perfect makes practice5. The early bird catche

Love of music quotes and sayings

1. Music is the universal language of mankind. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow2. Where words fail, music speaks. - Hans Christian Andersen3. Music is the strongest form of magic. - Marilyn Manson4. Music can change the world because it can change people. - Bono5. Music is the art of thinking w

Clever solar eclipse sayings

1. Eclipse: the perfect time to shine.2. Solar eclipse: nature's way of dimming the lights.3. When the sun and moon dance, we all stop to watch.4. In the shadow of the eclipse, we find beauty.5. Embracing the darkness to appreciate the light.6. The sun takes a break, the moon takes the st

Popular slogans and sayings

1. Just do it - Nike2. Think different - Apple3. Have it your way - Burger King4. I'm lovin' it - McDonald's5. The happiest place on earth - Disneyland6. Melts in your mouth, not in your hands - M&M's7. Because you're worth it - L'Oréal8. Finger lickin' good - KFC9. Snap, Crackle, P

I love my son quotes and sayings

1. A son is a mother's pride and joy.2. A son is a mother's love made visible.3. A son is a mother's treasure.4. A son may outgrow your lap, but he will never outgrow your heart.5. A son is a gift that lasts a lifetime.6. A son is a mother's greatest blessing.7. A son is a mother's hope

Funny up north sayings

1. It's colder than a polar bear's toenails.2. He's as lost as a goose in a snowstorm.3. She's tougher than a two-dollar steak.4. He's as useless as a screen door on a submarine.5. She's as sharp as a bowling ball.6. He's as slow as molasses in January.7. She's as happy as a clam at hig

Harvest sayings and quotes

1. Harvest is a time of celebration, a time to give thanks for the abundance of the earth. - Unknown2. The harvest of old age is the recollection and abundance of blessing previously secured. - Marcus Tullius Cicero3. Harvest a crop of kindness and you will always have a full barn. - Unknown4.

Well known sayings and idioms

1. A penny for your thoughts2. Actions speak louder than words3. Bite the bullet4. Break the ice5. Caught between a rock and a hard place6. Don't cry over spilled milk7. Easy come, easy go8. Fool's gold9. Hit the nail on the head10. In the heat of the moment11. Jump on the bandw

Different sayings for putting on condoms

1. Suit up2. Glove up3. Wrap it up4. Cover your soldier5. Armor up6. Condomize7. Shield yourself8. Secure the fort9. Protect your partner10. Rubber up

Cute sayings for acnl

1. Bloom where you are planted!2. Life is better with friends and flowers.3. Every day is a new adventure in Animal Crossing!4. Plant kindness, grow love.5. In a world full of weeds, be a sunflower.6. Keep calm and catch bugs.7. Happiness is a well-decorated home in Animal Crossing.8.