Cute spanish sayings for a friend

1. "Eres mi media naranja" (You are my other half)

2. "Eres mi sol en un día nublado" (You are my sunshine on a cloudy day)

3. "Eres como un rayo de luz en mi vida" (You are like a ray of light in my life)

4. "Eres mi compañero de aventuras" (You are my adventure buddy)

5. "Eres mi persona favorita" (You are my favorite person)

6. "Eres mi confidente y mi apoyo" (You are my confidant and my support)

7. "Eres mi ángel guardián" (You are my guardian angel)

8. "Eres la sal de mi vida" (You are the salt of my life)

9. "Eres mi tesoro más preciado" (You are my most precious treasure)

10. "Eres mi razón para sonreír" (You are my reason to smile)

Above is Cute spanish sayings for a friend.

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Back to the future slogans or sayings

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