Dan maskell sayings

Dan Maskell was a famous British tennis commentator known for his colorful and memorable sayings during his broadcasts. Some of his most famous sayings include:

1. "Oh, I say!"

2. "It's like a bomb has gone off in the stadium!"

3. "Oh, I say, what a shot!"

4. "He's playing a game out of this world!"

5. "It's a game of two halves, the first half and the second half."

6. "He's got more angles than a geometry set!"

7. "He's playing with the touch of an angel."

8. "He's as cool as a cucumber out there."

9. "He's got more tricks up his sleeve than a magician."

10. "It's like watching a master craftsman at work."

These sayings have become iconic in the world of tennis commentary and are fondly remembered by fans of the sport.

Above is Dan maskell sayings.

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Chinese ccp sayings

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