Decoy bride quotes and sayings

1. "A decoy bride is like a shadow - always present but never truly seen."

2. "In the game of love, sometimes you have to play the role of the decoy bride to protect your true feelings."

3. "Behind the veil of a decoy bride lies a heart that longs for genuine love."

4. "Being a decoy bride means sacrificing your own happiness for the sake of others."

5. "Sometimes the decoy bride is the one who holds the true power in a relationship."

6. "A decoy bride may be a temporary role, but the impact it leaves can last a lifetime."

7. "The decoy bride dances to the tune of others, but her heart beats to its own rhythm."

8. "In a world of illusions, the decoy bride is the master of disguise."

9. "The decoy bride may wear a mask of indifference, but her eyes reveal the truth within."

10. "Behind the facade of a decoy bride lies a soul yearning for authenticity and love."

Above is Decoy bride quotes and sayings.

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