Deflections sayings narcissist

Here are some sayings or quotes that may relate to dealing with a narcissist and their deflections:

1. "A narcissist's deflections are like smoke and mirrors, designed to distract and confuse."

2. "When a narcissist deflects, it's a sign of their insecurity and fear of facing the truth."

3. "Don't be fooled by a narcissist's deflections, stay focused on the facts."

4. "A narcissist's deflections are a shield to protect their fragile ego."

5. "The more a narcissist deflects, the more they reveal about their true nature."

6. "Don't engage in a battle of deflections with a narcissist, it's a losing game."

7. "Seeing through a narcissist's deflections is the first step to breaking free from their manipulation."

8. "A narcissist's deflections are like a maze, leading you further away from the truth."

9. "Stay grounded in your own reality, don't let a narcissist's deflections sway you."

10. "In the face of a narcissist's deflections, hold onto your own sense of truth and integrity."

Above is Deflections sayings narcissist.

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