Differnt sayings for im good

1. I'm doing well.

2. I'm fine.

3. I'm okay.

4. I'm great.

5. I'm alright.

6. I'm hanging in there.

7. I'm feeling good.

8. I'm doing just fine.

9. I'm all good.

10. I'm feeling fantastic.

Above is Differnt sayings for im good.

Sayings about chronic pain

1. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.2. Chronic pain may be a part of your life, but it doesn't define who you are.3. In the midst of pain, there is still beauty to be found.4. The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know n

Any given sunday sayings

Any given Sunday, you're either gonna win or you're gonna lose. The point is, can you win or lose like a man? - Al Pacino, Any Given Sunday

Don't steal my man sayings

I understand your concern. It's important to respect boundaries and relationships. If you have any specific concerns or questions, feel free to share them with me.

40 year old birthday funny sayings

1. Turning 40 is like turning 21 in Celsius.2. At 40, you're not old, you're just a classic.3. Life begins at 40... well, at least the midlife crisis does!4. 40 and fabulous, just like fine wine.5. 40 is the new 20... but with more wisdom and less energy.6. They say life begins at 40, but

Lombardi sayings

Vince Lombardi, the legendary American football coach, was known for his inspirational and motivational sayings. Here are some of his famous quotes:1. The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.2. Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.3. Perfection is not attainable

Best sayings about prakratik aapdaye in hindi language

1. प्राकृतिक आपदाएं हमें शक्ति और साहस देती हैं, इन्हें परास्त करने के लिए हमें अपनी आत्मा की ऊर्जा का सहारा लेना चाहिए।2. प्राकृतिक आपदाएं हमें हमारी कमजोरियों से निपटने का साहस देती हैं, और हमें अपनी शक्ति का परिचय कराती हैं।3. प्राकृतिक आपदाएं हमें संजीवनी बूटी की तरह होती हैं, जो हमें नई ऊर

I remember my grandmother sayings

It's wonderful that you have memories of your grandmother's sayings. Would you like to share some of them with me?

Gambling addiction sayings

1. When you gamble with your money, you only have a 50% chance of winning. But when you gamble with your life, you always lose.2. The only way to win at gambling is to not play the game.3. Addiction is a gamble you can't afford to lose.4. The house always wins, but addiction leaves you with n

Coin related sayings

1. A penny saved is a penny earned.2. Heads I win, tails you lose.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.4. A fool and his money are soon parted.5. Money talks.6. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.7. A penny for your thoughts.8. Money doesn't grow on trees.9. Ea

Cute coffee mug sayings for mom svg

1. Mom Fuel2. World's Best Mom3. Mom Life, Best Life4. Coffee & Chaos, Mom Life5. Mama Needs Coffee6. Mommin' Ain't Easy7. Coffee, Kids, Chaos8. Super Mom, Super Coffee9. Mom Life, Powered by Coffee10. But First, Coffee... and Momming