Dumb roadman sayings

1. "Man's not hot, man's on fire."

2. "Allow it, blud."

3. "Skeen, fam."

4. "I'm bare tired, innit."

5. "You get me, blood."

6. "Safe, bruv."

7. "I'm moving like a bossman."

8. "Mandem on the block."

9. "Wagwan, my G?"

10. "I'm just doing my ting, ya get me?"

Above is Dumb roadman sayings.

Girl sayings tattoo ideas

1. Nevertheless, she persisted2. She believed she could, so she did3. Fearless and fierce4. Stronger than yesterday5. Empowered and unapologetic6. Soul of a gypsy, heart of a hippie7. Wild and free8. She is clothed in strength and dignity9. Warrior princess10. She flies with her o

Groovy sayings from the '60s

1. Far out, man!2. Peace, love, and rock 'n' roll.3. Don't be a square, be hip.4. Make love, not war.5. Turn on, tune in, drop out.6. Keep on truckin'.7. Right on!8. Let your freak flag fly.9. Groovy, baby!10. Love is all you need.

Light the fat cigar sayings

1. A good cigar is as great a comfort to a man as a good cry to a woman.2. A fine cigar is just like a woman. If you don't light it up just right and suck on it with a certain frequency, it will go out on you.3. A cigar is as good as memories that you have when you smoked it.4. A cigar is lik

Fireman sayings

1. When everyone else is running out, we're running in.2. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.3. Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the action in the face of fear.4. Saving lives is not a job, it's a calling.5. Heroes don't wear capes, they wear turnout gear.6.

Cute welcoming sayings

1. Welcome to our happy place!2. Enter as strangers, leave as friends.3. You are loved and appreciated here.4. Come on in and make yourself at home.5. Step into our little slice of paradise.6. Welcome, beautiful soul.7. The door is always open for you.8. May your heart feel at home he

Blue aesthetic sayings

1. The sky is not the limit, it's just the view.2. In a world of chaos, find your calm in the blue.3. Blue is not just a color, it's a feeling.4. Let the waves of blue wash away your worries.5. Find peace in the depths of the ocean blue.6. Blue skies, open minds.7. Embrace the serenity

Common sayings in texas

1. Don't mess with Texas.2. Bless your heart.3. Fixin' to.4. Y'all come back now, ya hear?5. Howdy, y'all.6. All hat, no cattle.7. Like a chicken with its head cut off.8. Happy as a pig in mud.9. Colder than a well digger's belt buckle.10. That dog won't hunt.

Spoon quotes and sayings

1. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. - Mary Poppins2. Don't stir the pot with a teaspoon. 3. Life is like a spoon, it's up to you how you fill it. 4. The spoon and the knife are partners on the table. 5. Sometimes you just need to stir things up with a big spoon. 6. A spoonf

Cheesy valentine sayings for friends

1. You're the mac to my cheese, the perfect pair of friends.2. You're grate in every way, my cheesy friend.3. You're the brie to my crackers, always a perfect match.4. You're the queso to my chips, making life extra cheesy and fun.5. You're the fondue to my party, always melting my heart.6

Adoption sayings for nursery

1. A child is a gift from the heart, no matter how they come to be a part.2. Love makes a family, no matter how it grows.3. Adoption is the heart of a family.4. Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own.5. Adoption is the purest form of love.6. Every child