Dune worm sayings

1. "The desert holds many secrets, but only those who listen can hear them."

2. "To survive in the desert, one must be patient and wise, like the shifting sands."

3. "The strength of the worm lies in its unity with the desert, for together they are unstoppable."

4. "In the silence of the dunes, the wisdom of the worm speaks louder than any words."

5. "Fear not the unknown, for in the heart of the desert, the worm guides those who trust in its ways."

6. "The sands may shift and the winds may howl, but the worm remains steadfast in its purpose."

7. "To understand the desert, one must first understand the ways of the worm."

8. "Like the dunes themselves, the worm moves with purpose and determination."

9. "In the vast expanse of the desert, the worm is a symbol of resilience and adaptability."

10. "To challenge the worm is to challenge the very essence of the desert itself."

Above is Dune worm sayings.

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