Elementary school nurse sayings

1. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"

2. "Wash your hands before and after meals."

3. "Don't forget to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze."

4. "Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day."

5. "If you're feeling sick, don't be afraid to come see me."

6. "Make sure to get plenty of rest to help your body heal."

7. "Eating your fruits and vegetables will help keep you healthy."

8. "Always wear sunscreen when playing outside."

9. "If you have a boo-boo, let me take a look and help you feel better."

10. "Remember, a smile is the best medicine!"

Above is Elementary school nurse sayings.

Paparazzi sayings

1. Smile for the camera, darling!2. Caught in the spotlight!3. The flash is your friend!4. Strike a pose, it's showtime!5. Celeb in the lens!6. Lights, camera, action!7. Paparazzi on the prowl!8. Caught on candid camera!9. The world is watching!10. Every move is a headline!

Trouble sayings

1. When it rains, it pours.2. Trouble comes in threes.3. Into every life, a little rain must fall.4. Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.5. The darkest hour is just before the dawn.6. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.7. Every cloud has a silver lining.8. Adversity b

Rupaul sayings her majesty

One of RuPaul's famous sayings is Good luck, and don't fuck it up!

Christmas card sayings remembering loved ones

1. Although you are no longer with us, your memory lives on in our hearts this holiday season.2. Thinking of you and missing you this Christmas, but finding comfort in the cherished memories we shared.3. The holidays just aren't the same without you here, but we carry your spirit with us always

2017 slang sayings

1. Lit - used to describe something that is exciting or amazing2. Savage - used to describe someone who is fearless or ruthless3. On fleek - used to describe something that is on point or perfectly done4. Slay - used to describe someone who is doing exceptionally well or looking great5. Gucci - used

Coffee mug sayings for man

1. Real men drink coffee.2. Coffee: the manliest drink of all.3. Strong coffee for strong men.4. Coffee: fuel for the modern man.5. Coffee is my superhero juice.6. Coffee: the original energy drink for men.7. Coffee makes me feel like a boss.8. Coffee and men: a perfect match.9. Cof

Accident sayings

1. Accidents will happen in the best-regulated families. - Charles Dickens2. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - Martin Luther King Jr.3. Accidents happen, but they happen for a reason. - Unknown4. It's not the end of the world, acciden

Scripture sayings on unity with diversity

1 Corinthians 12:12-14 - For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit. For the body doe

Shrinking violet doll sayings

1. I may be small, but my dreams are big.2. Quiet strength is my superpower.3. In a world of loud voices, I choose to speak softly but with purpose.4. I bloom in my own time and in my own way.5. Being small doesn't mean I'm not mighty.6. I may be shy, but I shine in my own unique way.7.

Ninjago sayings

1. Only a true ninja can master the elements.2. Strength comes from within, not from without.3. The key to victory is in the balance of power and wisdom.4. Fear is the enemy of progress.5. The path to greatness is paved with hard work and determination.6. Trust in your abilities, and you