Forgetful quotes sayings

1. "I'm not forgetful, I'm just remembering things in a different order."

2. "I have a memory like an elephant... I remember everything, except what I'm supposed to remember."

3. "I'm not forgetful, I'm just selective about what I remember."

4. "I may forget things, but I never forget to eat."

5. "I'm not forgetful, I'm just storing memories in a different part of my brain."

6. "I may forget your name, but I'll never forget your kindness."

7. "I'm not forgetful, I'm just preoccupied with more important things."

8. "I may forget where I put my keys, but I never forget where I left my heart."

9. "I'm not forgetful, I just have a lot on my mind."

10. "I may forget the details, but I always remember the feeling."

Above is Forgetful quotes sayings.

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