Funny birthday sayings to as man

1. "Happy birthday! Remember, age is just a number... a really big, scary number."

2. "Another year older, another year wiser... or so they say. Happy birthday!"

3. "They say the older you get, the wiser you become. So, you must be the wisest person I know by now! Happy birthday!"

4. "Happy birthday! Just remember, you're not getting older, you're just getting more distinguished... or something like that."

5. "Aging like a fine wine, or maybe more like a stinky cheese? Happy birthday!"

6. "Happy birthday! Remember, you're not old, you're just a classic!"

7. "Another year older and still as fabulous as ever! Happy birthday!"

8. "Happy birthday! Just think of it as leveling up in the game of life."

9. "They say with age comes wisdom... but let's be real, you're still as clueless as ever. Happy birthday!"

10. "Happy birthday! Just remember, you're not over the hill, you're just on the back nine."

Above is Funny birthday sayings to as man.

Be happy sayings and quotes

1. Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. - Dalai Lama2. The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. - Mark Twain3. Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. - Ralph Marston4. The o

Cliche sayings about singing

1. Sing like no one is listening.2. Music is the universal language.3. Singing is like a breath of fresh air.4. Let your voice be heard.5. Sing your heart out.6. The song in your heart will never fade.7. Singing is the key to the soul.8. In harmony, we find unity.9. A song can speak

French horn funny sayings

1. I'm not just blowing hot air, I'm playing the French horn!2. French horn players do it with a lot of brass.3. Life is better with a French horn in hand.4. French horn players know how to toot their own horn.5. I'm not just a musician, I'm a French horn magician.6. French horn players h

Sayings from the 30's and 40's

1. Don't take any wooden nickels.2. The bee's knees.3. He's the cat's pajamas.4. What's the skinny?5. You're the berries.6. Don't be a wet blanket.7. That's the ticket.8. Let's blow this popsicle stand.9. I'm on the trolley.10. You're a real hep cat.

Family feud sayings and quotes

1. Survey says...2. Name a more iconic duo, I'll wait.3. Good answer, good answer!4. Top answer on the board!5. The feud continues...6. Our survey says you're wrong!7. Let's play the feud!8. That's not on the board!9. The number one answer is...10. The survey says you're the weake

Funny track and field quotes and sayings

1. Track and field: where you can run, jump, and throw things without getting arrested.2. Track and field is the only sport where you can be a sprinter, hurdler, jumper, and thrower all in one.3. I run track and field because punching people is frowned upon.4. Track and field: where the only

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1. God is my strength2. Trust in the Lord with all your heart3. Faith can move mountains4. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me5. Let go and let God6. Blessed and grateful7. Walk by faith, not by sight8. God is love9. In His time10. I am fearfully and wonderfully

Spaceballs sayings

1. May the Schwartz be with you!2. Ludicrous speed, GO!3. I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.4. We ain't found shit!5. I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.6. Comb the desert!7. Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.8. I'm surrounded by assholes!9

Good person vs bad sayings

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The sea quotes and sayings

1. The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever. - Jacques Cousteau2. The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. - Kate Chopin3. The sea, the great unifier, is man's only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: we are all in the same boat. -