Funny farewell sayings for cards

1. "Goodbye, don't cry. I'll be back before you can say 'I miss you!'"

2. "Farewell, my friend. Remember, absence makes the heart grow fonder... or at least that's what I'll keep telling myself!"

3. "So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye! Just kidding, I'll only be gone for a little while."

4. "Adios, amigos! Don't worry, I'll be back to annoy you in no time."

5. "It's not goodbye, it's see you later... unless I win the lottery, then it's definitely goodbye!"

6. "Farewell, my dear friend. Remember, distance means so little when someone means so much... but don't worry, I'll still miss you!"

7. "Goodbye for now, but not forever. I'll be back to disturb your peace and steal your snacks soon enough."

8. "Parting is such sweet sorrow... unless you're the one leaving, then it's just sweet!"

9. "Farewell, my friend. Don't worry, I'll be back to make more unforgettable memories with you soon."

10. "Goodbye, but not for long. I'll be back before you even have a chance to miss me... or so I hope!"

Above is Funny farewell sayings for cards.

Cow boys team sayings for husbands

1. Ride or die with my cowboys.2. In this house, we bleed blue and silver.3. My heart belongs to a cowboy.4. Real men wear cowboy hats.5. My husband, my cowboy hero.6. Cowboys never back down, just like my man.7. Home is where my cowboy is.8. My husband is the sheriff of my heart.9.

Funny fail signs sayings

1. Caution: Objects in mirror are dumber than they appear.2. Warning: Falling asleep at the wheel may result in a rude awakening.3. Please do not feed the potholes.4. Beware: Speed bumps ahead, because life isn't bumpy enough.5. Stop, drop, and roll your eyes at this terrible parking job.6

Proverbs and sayings about money

1. Money makes the world go round.2. A penny saved is a penny earned.3. Money can't buy happiness.4. Money talks.5. Easy come, easy go.6. Money is the root of all evil.7. You can't take it with you when you go.8. Money can't buy love.9. The love of money is the root of all evil.10.

Sayings about finding your soulmate

1. Finding your soulmate is like finding a missing piece of yourself.2. When you meet your soulmate, you'll know it in your heart.3. Soulmates are two halves of the same soul, joined together in love.4. A soulmate is someone who understands you like no one else can.5. Finding your soulmate

Army drill sergeant sayings

1. Drop and give me 20!2. You think this is a game? This is real life!3. I didn't ask for your excuses, I asked for results!4. Pain is weakness leaving the body!5. You will do it until you get it right, not until you get tired!6. I don't care if you're tired, I don't care if you're sore,

Irish sayings moving from your home

1. It's not the walls that make a house, but the hearts that live inside.2. May your new home be a place where friends gather and memories are made.3. A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything, even moving homes.4. A change of scenery can do wonders for the soul.5. H

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1. At 70, you're not old, you're just a classic!2. Turning 70 is like being a fine wine - you only get better with age!3. 70 is the new 50... just with more experience!4. They say life begins at 70... but I think you've been having a blast all along!5. 70 years young and still fabulous!6.

Sayings with far in it

1. Don't count your chickens before they hatch, for you may be counting your eggs too far in advance.2. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but the destination may still be far off.3. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, but sometimes it rolls a little farther.4. It'

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Chalk sayings on cars graduation

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