Funny grandchildren quotes and sayings

1. "Grandchildren are the reward for not killing your own kids."

2. "Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation."

3. "Grandchildren are the best form of revenge for all the times your kids drove you crazy."

4. "Grandchildren are like a fresh batch of cookies - you can never have just one."

5. "Grandchildren are the reason we get to experience the joy of childhood all over again."

6. "Grandchildren are the sprinkles on the cupcake of life."

7. "Grandchildren are the only ones who can get away with putting stickers on your furniture."

8. "Grandchildren are the perfect excuse to act like a kid again."

9. "Grandchildren are the greatest gift, and the best part is you get to spoil them and then send them home."

10. "Grandchildren are like a warm hug from the past, a glimpse of the future, and a whole lot of love in the present."

Above is Funny grandchildren quotes and sayings.

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