Funny halal sayings

1. "I'm not fasting, I'm just on a halal diet."

2. "I'm so halal, I make water jealous."

3. "My imaan is so strong, even my food is halal."

4. "I'm not just halal, I'm halalicious."

5. "I'm like a halal snack pack - all good and no haram."

6. "I'm so halal, even my jokes are clean."

7. "Halal is my middle name... well, not really, but you get the point."

8. "I'm so halal, I put the 'hal' in halal."

9. "I'm on a halal high, no haram can bring me down."

10. "Halal is not just a way of eating, it's a way of living... and laughing!"

Above is Funny halal sayings.

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