Funny italian sayings about love

1. "Amore e una cosa meravigliosa, ma anche un gran casino!" (Love is a wonderful thing, but also a big mess!)

2. "L'amore e cieco, ma i vicini no!" (Love is blind, but the neighbors are not!)

3. "Tra moglie e marito, non mettere il dito." (Between husband and wife, don't put your finger.)

4. "L'amore e come il formaggio, piu invecchia e piu diventa forte." (Love is like cheese, the older it gets, the stronger it becomes.)

5. "Chi trova un'amico, trova un tesoro. Chi trova un amore, trova un guaio!" (Who finds a friend, finds a treasure. Who finds love, finds trouble!)

Above is Funny italian sayings about love.

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Amharic sayings love you

እግዚአብሔር አምላክ እናት እናት እናት የሚል ነሽ (I love you like a mother loves her child)

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