Funny kalenjin sayings

1. "Kalenjin don't break hearts, we just break records."

2. "When a Kalenjin says 'I'll be there in 5 minutes', just add an hour to that."

3. "Kalenjin don't get lost, we just take the scenic route."

4. "If you want to know the time, ask a Kalenjin. If you want to know the truth, ask someone else."

5. "Kalenjin don't sweat, we just glisten with pride."

6. "You can take the Kalenjin out of the village, but you can't take the village out of the Kalenjin."

7. "Kalenjin don't run away from problems, we run marathons around them."

8. "If you want to impress a Kalenjin, just bring them some mursik and ugali."

9. "Kalenjin don't believe in luck, we believe in hard work and determination."

10. "When a Kalenjin says 'I'll think about it', it means 'no'."

Above is Funny kalenjin sayings.

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