Funny sayings about rocks

1. "Some people are like rocks, hard and unyielding until you hit them with a hammer."

2. "Life is like a rock, hard and unchanging until you find a crack to wiggle through."

3. "I'm as stubborn as a rock, but at least I'm not as dense."

4. "Rocks may be solid, but they still have a lot of sedimentary humor."

5. "When life gives you rocks, make a rock garden and laugh at how stubborn they are."

6. "Rocks are like the strong, silent type - they never crack under pressure, but they do make great paperweights."

7. "Why did the rock go to therapy? It had too many issues to work out."

8. "I'm not just a rock, I'm a rolling stone - constantly moving and picking up moss."

9. "Rocks are like the unsung heroes of the earth - they just sit there, quietly supporting everything above them."

10. "If you ever feel like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place, just remember that rocks can be pretty funny too."

Above is Funny sayings about rocks.

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