Funny slang sayings 2018

1. "Slay, queen!" - used to compliment someone who is doing something exceptionally well

2. "Lit AF" - used to describe something that is really exciting or awesome

3. "Throwing shade" - making subtle insults or criticisms towards someone

4. "Fam" - short for family, used to refer to close friends or a tight-knit group

5. "Savage" - used to describe someone who is fearless and unapologetically honest

6. "On fleek" - used to describe something that is on point or perfectly done

7. "Bae" - a term of endearment for a significant other

8. "Ghosting" - when someone suddenly stops communicating with you, especially in a romantic context

9. "Extra" - used to describe someone who is over the top or dramatic

10. "Snack" - used to describe someone who is attractive or good-looking

Above is Funny slang sayings 2018.

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