Recent sayings

Here are some recent sayings that have gained popularity:

1. "Stay humble, hustle hard."

2. "Good vibes only."

3. "Do more of what makes you happy."

4. "Progress over perfection."

5. "Choose kindness."

6. "Be the energy you want to attract."

7. "You are capable of amazing things."

8. "Inhale confidence, exhale doubt."

9. "Create your own sunshine."

10. "Embrace the journey."

Above is Recent sayings.

Jeffree star common sayings

Jeffree Star is known for his unique and often humorous sayings. Some common sayings associated with Jeffree Star include:1. Hi, how are ya?2. Can't relate.3. Living for it.4. Slay all day.5. Iconic.6. Not sponsored, just obsessed.7. Shook.8. Get ready to be shooketh.9. I'm living m

100 sayings

1. Actions speak louder than words.2. The early bird catches the worm.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.4. A penny saved is a penny earned.5. All good things must come to an end.6. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.7. Better late than never.8. Birds of a feather flock

Diderot sayings

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Halloween chalkboard sayings

1. Witch better have my candy!2. Boo to you from our crew!3. Trick or treat yo' self!4. If the broom fits, fly it!5. Creep it real.6. Eat, drink, and be scary.7. Witch way to the candy?8. Ghouls just wanna have fun.9. Fangs for the memories.10. You're just my boo-tiful pumpkin.

Goethe sayings

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Larry stylinson sayings

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Happy new year sayings for facebook

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Agnes despicable me sayings

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