Funny turning 60 sayings

1. "I'm not 60, I'm 18 with 42 years of experience!"

2. "60 is only 15 in Celsius!"

3. "At 60, I've reached the perfect balance of wisdom and not giving a damn."

4. "60 is the new 40...with a few extra creaks and cracks."

5. "I'm not 60, I'm just 59.95 plus tax!"

6. "Turning 60 is like turning 40 in Celsius - hot stuff!"

7. "60 is the age where you start counting your blessings...and your wrinkles."

8. "60 years old and still rocking it like a teenager...just with more naps."

9. "Life begins at 60...after a good cup of coffee and a nap."

10. "60 is the age where you can finally embrace your inner grumpy old person and get away with it."

Above is Funny turning 60 sayings.

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As broke as a sayings

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