Gambling sayings of good luck

1. "May the odds be ever in your favor."

2. "Roll the dice and may luck be on your side."

3. "In the game of life, may you always hold a winning hand."

4. "Place your bets and trust in fate."

5. "May the cards fall in your favor."

6. "Luck be a lady tonight."

7. "Wishing you a royal flush of good luck."

8. "May the roulette wheel spin in your favor."

9. "Here's to hitting the jackpot in all you do."

10. "Sending you all the luck in the world for a winning streak."

Above is Gambling sayings of good luck.

Cockney accent sayings

1. Apples and pears - stairs2. Butcher's hook - look3. Dog and bone - phone4. Trouble and strife - wife5. Ruby Murray - curry6. Adam and Eve - believe7. Bread and honey - money8. Plates of meat - feet9. Rosy Lee - tea10. Hank Marvin - starving

Corny candy sayings

1. You're a sweet treat!2. You're the sugar to my spice.3. You're the candy to my corn.4. Life is sweet with you.5. You're my favorite flavor.6. You're sweeter than candy.7. You're the cherry on top.8. You're a candy-coated delight.9. You're my sugar rush.10. You're the sweetest t

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Down syndrome awareness sayings

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Chinese sayings about disappointment

1. 失望之后是希望的开始。(After disappointment comes hope.)2. 失望不是失败,只是暂时的挫折。(Disappointment is not failure, just a temporary setback.)3. 失望是一种考验,坚持下去就会看到希望。(Disappointment is a test, persevere and you will see hope.)4. 失望是成长的必经之路。(Disappointment is a necessary path to growth.)5. 失望让人更加珍惜未来的幸福。(Disappointment

Cure seating chart sayings

1. Find your seat, let's make memories together.2. Take a seat and enjoy the celebration.3. Please be seated, the party is about to begin.4. Your seat is waiting for you, let the fun begin.5. Take a seat, it's time to eat, drink, and be merry.6. Find your spot and let the festivities comm