Good roast battle sayings

1. "You're so boring, even a snooze button would be more entertaining than you."

2. "I've seen more life in a cemetery than in your jokes."

3. "If laughter is the best medicine, you must be a cure for insomnia."

4. "Your jokes are like a bad movie sequel - nobody asked for them and they should have never been made."

5. "I've heard better comebacks from a broken record."

6. "You're like a human version of a participation trophy - everyone gets one, but nobody really cares."

7. "Your sense of humor is like a broken pencil - pointless."

8. "I've seen more wit in a bag of rocks than in your attempts at humor."

9. "You're so unfunny, even dad jokes cringe at your punchlines."

10. "If laughter is contagious, you must be immune."

Above is Good roast battle sayings.

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Funny cornavirus sayings

1. Quarantine: the only time it's socially acceptable to wear pajamas all day.2. I've been practicing social distancing for years, it's called avoiding people.3. I never thought the most valuable thing in my pantry would be toilet paper.4. I've washed my hands so much, I found a cheat code fo

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Canadian sayings book

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