Heavenly birthday sayings

1. "Happy heavenly birthday, may you continue to shine bright in the heavens above."

2. "On your heavenly birthday, we celebrate the beautiful memories you left behind."

3. "Sending birthday wishes to heaven, where you now reside in eternal peace."

4. "Though you may be gone, your spirit lives on in our hearts. Happy heavenly birthday."

5. "In loving memory on your heavenly birthday, we cherish the time we had with you."

6. "Today we honor your life and legacy on your heavenly birthday."

7. "Wishing you a heavenly birthday filled with love and light from those who miss you dearly."

8. "As we remember you on your heavenly birthday, we are grateful for the time we shared."

9. "May the angels sing to you on your special day in heaven. Happy heavenly birthday."

10. "Your presence is felt in our hearts on your heavenly birthday. We miss you dearly."

Above is Heavenly birthday sayings.

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