Irish pork sayings

1. "As happy as a pig in muck" - This saying refers to someone who is extremely content and comfortable in their surroundings.

2. "Bringing home the bacon" - This phrase means to earn a living or provide for one's family.

3. "Sweating like a pig" - This expression is used to describe someone who is sweating profusely.

4. "Pig-headed" - This term is used to describe someone who is stubborn or unwilling to change their mind.

5. "Living high on the hog" - This saying means to live in luxury or enjoy a lavish lifestyle.

6. "Pig out" - This phrase means to eat a large amount of food, often in a greedy or indulgent manner.

7. "In a pig's eye" - This expression is used to convey disbelief or skepticism about something.

8. "Pig in a poke" - This saying refers to a risky or uncertain situation, often involving deception or fraud.

9. "Cast pearls before swine" - This phrase means to offer something valuable to someone who does not appreciate or understand its worth.

10. "Like a pig in a poke" - This saying refers to buying something without knowing its true value or quality.

Above is Irish pork sayings.

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