Irish sayings about whiskey

1. "Whiskey is liquid sunshine."

2. "A good friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have, just like a good bottle of whiskey."

3. "There are two things worth living for, a good woman and a bottle of whiskey."

4. "Whiskey warms the body and the soul."

5. "May your whiskey be smooth, your friends be true, and your troubles be few."

6. "Whiskey is the cure for what ails you, both inside and out."

7. "A man can never have too much whiskey or too many friends."

8. "Whiskey is the water of life, so drink up and be merry."

9. "When life gives you lemons, trade them for whiskey."

10. "Whiskey is like a good friend, always there to lift your spirits."

Above is Irish sayings about whiskey.

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